InterAx Version History

Version 3.3.1

* Fixed error that occurred if player successfully used inventory item that was stored in the last slot on the inventory bar.

Version 3.3.0

* Fixed: The new video control was displaying a registration ‘nag screen’.
* Please download the latest version of the “Support Installer” as the video control component has changed in this update!

Version 3.2.2

* Fixed error that occurred when inventory was full and player tried to pick up another item
* Attempt to fix full black screens after videos finish playing (Win 7 and newer). Mpeg (.mpg) videos are now supported as well.
* Please download the latest version of the “Support Installer” as the video control component has changed in this update!

Version 3.2.1

* Bug fixed: Movies had no volume the first time a movie was played since starting the program.

* Skipping a movie (ESC key) during gameplay was causing the Player to stop responding.

Version 3.2.0

* The video playback control has been updated for better compatibility with more CODECs.

* On some computers the Save & Quit Game windows were not properly centered.

* The “Support” installer has been updated to include the new video playback control.

Version 3.1.1

PLAYER (Game.exe)
—–Bugs Fixed—–
* Link objects were not using custom mousepointers as configured in the Customize Player screen in the editor.
* Expand/Shrink menu item in Notification Window (debugging) was getting cut off on certain computers preventing user from expanding it.

Version 3.1.0

* New installer has been created which should correctly install InterAx on newer computers (Vista, 7, 32/64 bit, etc)
* Copy protection / Unlock Code scheme has been removed as InterAx is now free.

EDITOR (InterAx.exe)
—–New Features—–
* Responder Object: New option, ‘Force player to Map Window’. When this new option is checked, the Map Window will appear in the game.
* HotSpot Object: New option, ‘Grouping’. When HotSpots require Inventory Items, you can now group more than one HotSpot together. This allows you to essentially use one HotSpot (the one ‘on top’) to accept multiple inventory items, by using similar Group numbers with other HotSpots. See Help File for more details.
* Help File converted to CHM format

—–Bugs Fixed—–
* “Run Time Error 424- Object Required” error that occured when changing the ‘Save Game’ button visibility in the Customize Player window.
* HotSpot Object: If the ‘Link To’ property was set to Map, it instead appeared that the Scene option was chosen when subsequently displaying the properties. If the Map option was originally chosen accidentally, the game would then load the map even though an examination of the properties appeared that it should be loading a SCENE. Confusion ensued. 🙂

PLAYER (Game.exe)
—–New Features—–
* Map Window can now be brought up by a Responder Object (see above).
* Locations in the Map can now be clicked even if they do not point to a scene. This allows you to still play the WAV or MOVIE associated with the Location, and opens up other ways to utilize the Map window other than for maps. If no scene is chosen, the Map window remains visible after clicking the location. If a scene IS chosen, the Map Window disappears and the chosen scene is loaded, as before.
* HotSpot Object: New option, ‘Grouping’. When HotSpots require Inventory Items, you can now group more than HotSpot together. This allows you to essentially use one HotSpot (the one ‘on top’) to accept multiple inventory items, by using similar Group numbers with other HotSpots. See Help File for more details.

—–Bugs Fixed—–
* Map & Location images were not always loaded when loading a saved game when the Player was first run, resulting in incomplete Maps when loading saved games.

Version 3.0.3

* Changed InterAx ‘Setup’ to prevent a DLL problem on some Win95/98 machines.
* Changed the “InterAx Support” installer to prevent a DLL problem on some Win95/98 machines. (Please download the latest version from the website if you use this to distribute your InterAx games.)

* No Changes.

* The Project Scanner allowed users to scan a secured project, even if there was a project security failure.

EDITOR (InterAx.exe):
* The top line of pixels of the scene area in the main window wasn’t visible in the editor (this did not affect the game itself).

PLAYER (Game.exe):
* Player Version (when set to be shown) was visible for a split second when quitting a game and going back to the main menu.
* When music was toggled off (F1), the music would start to play again if the soundtrack filename changed.
* Map Locations were not fully restored when loading a saved game.
* User Logo timer changed from 2 seconds to 3 when showing single-frame logos.
* Under certain circumstances the Player would not shut down correctly, resulting in an “illegal operation” error (crash).

Version 3.0.2

IMPORTANT NOTE: Because some of the system files that the InterAx Player uses have changed, there is a new version of the “InterAx Support Installer”. If you would like to distribute your games, you should download this and include it with your game. The InterAx Support files are required to be installed on any computer that does NOT have InterAx installed; otherwise InterAx games will not run. If you have downloaded the previous version of the Support Installer, you will need to download the newer version (available at the website).

* InterAx Easy Crop (EasyCrop.exe, found in your InterAx folder). This application makes it quick and easy to crop large images to the correct “scene size” (700w X 475h).
* InterAx Project Scanner (IAXProjScan.exe, found in your InterAx folder). This application provides handy tools to help increase productivity when working with larger projects.

EDITOR (InterAx.exe):
* New InterAx desktop icon
* New Splash Screen
* Changed registry location for certain items that may cause “permission” problems on multi-user computers, when the user does not have administrative permissions to access that part of the registry.
* InterAx now uses a web-based registration verification system to verify registration information when unlocking the software.
* HotSpots can now be used without having to use an image file.
* The text fields where you enter flag #s and values permitted alpha-numeric characters, and should have only permitted numeric characters. The flag value fields do still accept the minus key (-), so that you can enter negative flag values.
* When moving a Direction Object, it was affecting the position coordinates for the “insertable” Object at index #1.
* InterAx now handles custom backgrounds (backdrops) and button images differently. See the Help File for more information. The change makes it easier and quicker to add custom images to your game.
* You can now further customize the Player by placing the Main Menu & Game Screen buttons wherever you want. You can even use custom-sized buttons, too.
* InterAx now supports the importing and exporting of “skins”… a quick way to change the look of your game (backgrounds & buttons) in a few simple steps.
* You can optionally show Inventory Item Closeup Descriptions as “Tool Tips” in the Player now (Customize Player Window).
* You can now have Inventory Item closeups use a fixed size, or dynamic (Customize Player Window).
* When creating a new project, the following are now on by default: Objects Borders and the ‘Debug Window’ in the Player.
* Added more information to the Help File.
* Added new feature, “Quick Tips”. These cause windows with tips to pop up at various times in order to help people who are new to InterAx.
* InterAx now checks that the Player filename in the project folder is correct when a project is loaded. If not, it will correct it for you. This would only happen if the filename was changed in Windows Explorer, and not through the ‘General Game Settings’ window, which is the correct way to change the filename.
* InterAx now checks that the Player in the project folder is the same version as the one in the ‘InterAxDefaults’ folder. If not, the project’s Player will be automatically updated to the latest version (When an update is installed, the newest version of the Player is always copied to the ‘InterAxDefaults’ folder, but not the project folders).
* If the user chooses Scene #1 for the “Credits” Scene, a warning message now appears that you should not choose Scene #1 for the “Credits” Scene.
* When the Player is run from within the Editor, the current scene is now automatically saved (you no longer need to “switch to a different scene” in order to save the changes first). However, if you are one of those types who likes to keep the Player running in the background while making changes to your project, you still need to switch to a different scene before going back to the Player.
* Changed the default “Reactor” Mousepointer to something a little more subtle looking.
* Changed the default “Exit” Mousepointer to something a little more legible over different backgrounds.
* Added new option to Responder Object: “Force player to Main Menu”. When this option is chosen, the game will immediately end and the player will be taken to the Main Menu.
* ‘Edit Inventory Items’ window: If the Apply button was enabled because some changes had been made, it was inadvertently disabled after testing the closeup.
* ‘Edit Inventory Items’ window: If the user made some changes to the currently selected item, then clicked Cancel (don’t save changes), it appeared that the changes WERE saved when the ‘Edit Inventory Items’ window was opened again, although they weren’t.
* ‘Edit Inventory Items’ window: The ‘Show Closeup’ checkbox that governs the closeup options is no longer automatically checked if the user edits the ‘Closeup Window Caption’. This was changed because you can now use the Closeup Window Caption to show “Tool Tips” (Customize Player window). Therefore, the user editing the caption is not necessarily showing a closeup. If a file is chosen (or removed) for the Closeup Image though, the ‘Show Closeup’ checkbox IS automatically checked (or unchecked).
* When choosing files for properties, the default file filter is now ‘All supported files’, when more than one file type is permitted for the given property.
* If a scene’s image was the incorrect size, and a new scene image of the correct size was applied in the properties, the ‘Scene Alert’ button would still remain visible.
* Changed the appearance and location of the ‘Scene Alert’ and ‘Object Alert’ buttons.
* Added new status bar segment: ‘Objects’. This shows the number of insertable objects in the current scene.
* Added new button to main window: ‘Restore Object Positions’. Clicking this button will restore the positions of all objects as they were when the scene was loaded. Very handy if you need to move objects out of the way in order to view or change properties of objects underneath other objects.
* Removed some unused code.
* Multi-Trigger Properties window had a close button on the title bar and shouldn’t have.
* When opening a project located on a CD-ROM, InterAx would crash with an error.
* Improved the warning message displayed when the ‘Read Only’ attribute is found on project files.
* If InterAx detects the ‘Read Only’ attribute on the project files, it will now attempt to change it automatically. If it cannot (for example, if the project resides on a CD-ROM), the ‘Read Only’ attribute warning will appear.
* Warning Message when turning on Project Security that it isn’t recommended until necessary.
* If the Run-Menu was set up while no project was loaded, it was enabling the ‘Run InterAx Player’ toolbar button. If the user then clicked this button with no project loaded, an error occured.

PLAYER (Game.exe):
* The InterAx Player is sporting a new logo (Thanks Eric!).
* The delay time between scenes has been greatly reduced.
* HotSpots can now be used without having to use an image file.
* Added support for custom buttons and backgrounds on the following screens: Save Game, Load Game, and Quit Game. Note: Selecting these (and the previously customizable) custom images is not done through “properties” in the editor anymore. See the Help File for details on how to use custom button and background images in your game.
* You can now further customize the Player by placing the Main Menu & Game Screen buttons wherever you want. You can even use custom-sized buttons, too.
* Map Window now has an ‘X’ button in the upper-right corner (instead of the previous interactive ‘Cancel’ button). This was changed so that the ‘Cancel’ button would not be cut-off if the Playing Area was moved towards the bottom of the screen, since that can now be placed wherever desired.
* You can optionally show Inventory Item Closeup Descriptions as “Tool Tips” in the Player now (Customize Player Window in the Editor).
* You can now have Inventory Item closeups use a fixed size, or dynamic (Customize Player Window in the Editor).
* When playing the ‘Intro Movie’, there would sometimes be a white flash just before the movie started.
* When examining an inventory item, and no closeup image was used but a wav was played, it was using the wrong wav channel (it should have been using “dialogue”).
* When a Delay Object was set to a value greater than 32 seconds, it caused a Stack Overflow error in the Player.
* Delays that were running but hadn’t expired were saved when saving a game, but were not reactivated if the saved game was loaded after having shut down the Player.
* When Delays are started, the Notify Window now tells you the length of the delay.
* Changed the default “Reactor” Mousepointer to something a little more subtle looking.
* Changed the default “Exit” Mousepointer to something a little more legible over different backgrounds.
* Added new option to Responder Object: “Force player to Main Menu”. When this option is chosen, the game will immediately end and the player will be taken to the Main Menu.
* If an Inventory Item’s ‘Normal Cursor’ property is empty (or the file is missing), then it will use the item’s ‘Inventory Bar Icon’ image, instead of using the ‘?’ image.
* Removed some unused code.
* If the InterAx Logo is to be shown, the IAX Player version is also shown in the lower-right corner of the screen.
* The Inventory Item “Hilight” cursor would sometimes show for a split-second when picking up an item out of the inventory (would occur if the mouse was moved while the button was down).
* When the mousepointer changed to an hourglass, under certain circumstances it was possible for the mousepointer to change back to an arrow before it was supposed to, resulting in the player being able to do things when they shouldn’t have.
* On some systems, the Locations in the Map window were appearing as red X’s, meaning that the files were missing, even though they were not.
* InterAx now uses hi-resolution timers for delay objects. The result is much more accurate and consistent delay times across different PCs. It also allows for much longer delay times (approx. 32000 seconds, but I don’t recommend it).
* Previously, if a delay expired while viewing an inventory item closeup, saving a game, quitting the game (confirmation window), or using the Map window, the delay would reset (try again later), so that the player would not miss anything. Now, the delays will expire anyway. Because of this, it is extremely important that if you are using a delay and you don’t want the player to accidentally miss something, you should use the delay’s “Force Wait Mousepointer” option, so that the player cannot do anything else until the delay expires. You should also use that option anytime a new scene will be loaded because of the delay expiring.

Version 2.0.0

EDITOR (InterAx.exe):
* InterAx now checks the size of the scene images and warns the user if they are not the correct size (700w X 475h).
* Added new option to ‘General Game Settings’: Screen Resolution. If the user’s screen resolution is above 800×600, you can now have the Player automatically change the resolution to 800×600. If you do not check this new option, and the user’s resolution is higher, then the game screens will center themselves in the user’s screen.
* The ‘Opening Logo’ now supports AVI movies, in addition to GIFs.
* You can now tell InterAx what size to play AVI movies at (“Full”, “Medium”, and “Original”). The option is found in the ‘Customize Player’ window. See the Help File for more information. This affects ALL AVI’s in your game, EXCEPT the ‘Opening Logo’ (if it is an AVI).
* When previewing an AVI movie, and the window was shrunk down to get out of the way, it was shrinking down too far on newer Operating Systems, such as XP, that have larger title bars.
* If an AVI was assigned to a property, but it didn’t exist, InterAx would behave strangely after attempting to play the missing file. It now warns you with a message box if the file is not found.
* Added more information to the Help File.

PLAYER (Game.exe):
* The user’s screen resolution can be changed if it is over 800×600, or you can leave it and simply center the game screens. This option is controlled under the ‘General Game Settings’ in the editor.
* The ‘Opening Logo’ now supports AVI movies, in addition to GIFs.
* InterAx Logo & User’s ‘Opening Logo’ can now be skipped by pressing the [Esc] key while they are playing.
* AVI Movies can be sized to your liking (see EDITOR above).
* Fixed bug where the Intro Movie (if any) wasn’t centered correctly if the user’s screen resolution was higher than 800×600 and the resolution wasn’t changed.
* Fixed bug introduced in previous update where the screen wasn’t getting resized to 800×600 when the current resolution was lower than 800×600.
* If the scene image was the wrong size (particularly larger), it wasn’t limiting its size to the correct size (700w X 475h).
* If multiple conversation objects were in the same scene, the conversation box (if visible) would sometimes flash due to one of the other conversation objects inadvertently requesting to be hidden.
* The Conversation Box was using the wrong channel to play WAVS with. It should have been using the “Dialogue” channel.
* The Conversation Box now changes the color of choices that have been clicked on to a slightly darker shade than those that haven’t been clicked on yet.
* If an item was added to the Inventory, but the Inventory was FULL (16 items), it tried to play the “Inventory Full” WAV (as assigned in ‘General Game Settings’), even if no WAV was ever assigned. This resulted in a “File Not Found” error. Now, if no WAV is assigned, it shows a “Inventory Full” message on the screen for a couple seconds instead.
* When loading a saved game, the “Notify Window” wasn’t being displayed if it was supposed to.
* Improved error handling for missing files.
* Changed the Game.exe’s Window Icon to the EXE’s file icon. This was only noticable when the Player was minimized through the Debug Window.

Version 1.3.0

EDITOR (InterAx.exe):
* Changed the background color on all windows to reflect the color scheme as set on the user’s computer (rather than forcing it to be gray).
* InterAx no longer forces the user to use a screen resolution of 800×600 (unless their current resolution is under 800×600).
* When registering InterAx, the ‘About Box’ would still report that InterAx was unregistered the first time the ‘About Box’ was viewed (if during the same InterAx session).
* Fixed bug where manually viewing the ‘Project Info’ in a project the user had just opened for the first time would cause InterAx to crash with an error.
* Fixed bug where the ‘Apply’ button was getting enabled when choosing an item in the item list on the ‘Edit Inventory Items’ window.
* Fixed bug where the ‘Apply’ button was sometimes enabled the first time the user opened the ‘Editor Options’ window.
* Added notification to scene preview routine to warn user if a scene’s image file is missing.
* Adjusted “tab order” to provide a more orderly fashion of tabbing through properties, for those who like to do so.
* Added two new items to the ‘Help’ Menu:
1) Help|Visit Website : Starts your browser and opens the InterAx homepage.
2) Help|Check for Update : Launches the new web update utility (“UpdateIAX.exe”, located in your InterAx folder), which checks for InterAx updates via the internet.
* Added new option to General Game Settings: Suppress InterAx Logo. Checking this option will disable the InterAx Logo in the Player (Registered users only).
* Added some more information to the Help File.

PLAYER (Game.exe):
* The Player no longer forces the user to use a screen resolution of 800×600 (unless their current resolution is under 800×600). If larger, the original 800×600 screen area centers itself in the user’s screen.
* Added new option: Suppress InterAx Logo (Can be turned off in the Editor, providing it is registered).
* If no image is chosen for a scene, the Player will now ignore it, rather than crash with an error.

Version 1.2.0

EDITOR (InterAx.exe):
* There was a bug which caused InterAx to “hang” when creating new projects. This was tested quite some time ago, but unfortunately it hadn’t been tested recently, and the error was created in a change made to InterAx just prior to its release, and seems to have affected only some machines. My sincerest apologies to those of you who experienced this problem.

PLAYER (Game.exe):
* No changes

Version 1.1.0

EDITOR (InterAx.exe):
* The “Grace Period” following the initial 30-day trial period was intended to be 30 days long, but was instead only 15 days long. This has been changed to 30 days.
* InterAx will now continue to work after the trial and grace period are over, but in a limited mode.
* The InterAx Editor now checks the screen resolution at startup. If incorrect, it offers to temporarily change it. This feature was already implemented in the Player, but it was felt that this would be a welcome addition to the Editor, for those who use different resolutions.

PLAYER (Game.exe):
* Changed the way the “Notify Window” is displayed. This was to fix a problem with the Notify Window not displaying properly on some computers running Windows XP.
* Improved CD-ROM support, to notify user of problems found with the CD-ROM Setup, should they arise.

Version 1.0.0 (June 16th, 2002)

Initial release to the public

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