* (ALL) Fixed error related to PackageManager introduced in last update. Sorry about that!
* (ALL) Fixed FC/ANR that was occurring on certain HTC devices running newer versions of Android when attempting to set up the app (caused by an HTC IR support detection issue).
* (PRO) Search Assistant: Changed default macro for opening the search screen on latest Genie DVR firmware due to menu changes.
* (ALL) Fixed “DirecTV_Remote is not a folder” error introduced in last update that was occurring on brand new installations. I sincerely apologize to those who experienced it.
* (PRO) Remote & Mini-Guide screens stay above lock screen and/or automatically dismiss it if unsecured (where available)
* (ALL) Delete receivers from the app by long-pressing on receiver in Setup/Scan screen
* (ALL) DirecTV IR control: Fixed IR detection on KitKat/Custom ROMs and added LG
* (PRO) Improved macro reliability with IR-controlled receivers (also try increasing macro delays if you have problems)
* (ALL) Remote Designer: up & down nav buttons didn’t size proportionately to the left & right nav buttons
* (PRO) Option to only show currently selected receiver in the Mini-Guide (as opposed to all of them)
* (ALL) Maximum number of automatic config/prefs backups kept (created when a new version is installed) is now limited to 10 most recent
* (ALL) Addressed some rare ANRs and other issues seen in crash reports
* (ALL) Brought back the Useless Mystery Button on the Options screen
* (ALL) Other minor changes
* (ALL) Fixed: False error message when sending IR commands on Galaxy devices
* (ALL) App now allows IR control of *DirecTV receivers* on select Samsung Galaxy and HTC devices with built-in IR
* (ALL) Remote Designer: Added small D-Pad to floating toolbar and ability to display angled buttons as horizontal
* (PRO) Sending volume using the device volume buttons should work better now (requires v2.0.1+ of the volume plugin)
* (ALL) App now allows IR control of *DirecTV receivers* on select Samsung Galaxy and HTC devices with built-in IR
* (PRO) Attempt to fix FC on some devices (reported on S4) when controlling volume using volume rocker buttons
* (ALL) Remote Designer: Added small D-Pad to floating toolbar and ability to display angled buttons as horizontal
* (PRO) Sending volume using the device volume buttons should work better now (requires v2.0.1+ of the volume plugin)
* (ALL) Fixed: The app now appears in the recent tasks list again. Note that exiting the app from an expanded notification may also remove it from the recent tasks list.
* (PRO) ‘Exit App’ button added to expanded notification on supported Android versions (the app can still be reopened by pressing the main notification area)
* (ALL) If app couldn’t communicate with DirecTV receiver causing a network timeout, main remote screen could pop up on its own if user had opened a different screen
* (ALL) Remote Designer: Added small D-Pad to floating toolbar to assist with fine-tuning a button’s position
* (ALL) Remote Designer: Added ability to display angled buttons as horizontal (rotate)
* (PRO) Sending volume commands using the device volume buttons should work a bit smoother now (requires v2.0.1 or newer of the volume plugin, released today)
* (ALL) Remote Designer: Fixed bug toggling visibility on volume & channel buttons when using the master visibility checklist
* (PRO) When viewing more info on a show, choosing the IMDb option will now use the IMDb app if installed
* (ALL) Long-pressing on the ‘Exit’ remote button now allows you to fully exit the app (same as Menu > More > Exit App)
* (ALL) Other minor changes
* (PRO) Introducing the MEmote: Menu > Remote Style > [Remote Designer].
* (PRO) Introducing the MEmote: Now you can create your own remote control layout using only the buttons you want, where you want them, and you can also adjust their size! Menu > Remote Style > [Remote Designer]
* (ALL) ‘Application has stopped’ error when exiting app on recently released Android 4.3 should now be fixed
* (ALL) Fixed rare NPE error
* (ALL) Stability (random crashes or force-closes on Honeycomb and higher Android versions due to ‘Network on Main Thread’ errors). Please let me know if anyone still continues to get these.
* (ALL) Built-in Android menus on certain devices have been replaced with the new custom menus (pressing the Menu button will open the new custom menu rather than the built-in Android menu).
* (ALL) Fixed occasionally unresponsive sub-menu (Menu > More)
* (ALL) Fixed FC related to notifications on Honeycomb (Thanks Andy!)
* (ALL) Enhanced/expanded notifications where available (Jellybean, etc)
* (PRO) Expanded notifications (Jellybean, etc) contain buttons for quick access to remote, mini-guide or notification refresh (two-finger swipe down on notification)
* (PRO) Added support for DDNS. See FAQs for details… there is a “trick” to enable this option.
* (ALL) Enhanced/expanded notifications where available (Jellybean, etc).
* (PRO) Expanded notifications (Jellybean, etc) contain buttons for quick access to remote, mini-guide or notification refresh (two-finger swipe down on notification).
* (ALL) Greatly reduced redundant notifications.
* (PRO) Added ability to enter a domain name when manually adding a receiver for those who use DDNS. See website FAQs for details… there is a “trick” to enable this advanced option.
* (PRO) Power button turns green or deeper red depending on receiver’s power state
* (PRO) Mini-Guide shows power state of the receivers (green or red indicator)
* (ALL) More accurate warnings & messages when app fails to communicate with a Genie CLIENT (hint: leave ’em on for best results!)
* (ALL) Fixed: Button image quality on certain larger devices inadvertently introduced in last update.
* (ALL) Changes made in attempt to address some markets showing that the app is incompatible with larger tablets.
* (ALL) On some newer devices, the original menus will no longer be available. To accommodate this, a “menu” button was added to the far-right side of the silver bar at the bottom of the screen.
* (PRO) Added ‘Input’ button for controlling input on TV/AVR in volume plugin (where available)
* (PRO) Device volume buttons can be used to control TV/AVR volume while app is active
* (ALL) Volume, Mute and Input buttons are now visible even if Volume plugin is not installed (can be hidden in Prefs screen)
* (ALL) Under certain circumstances, On Now notifications could fail to update after user left Mini-Guide while it was populating
* (ALL) Other minor changes
* (ALL) App could lose its state when returning to it in a different orientation than it was left in
* (ALL) Added Genie CLIENT (C31) support! (Thanks Nate!) >> Genie/C31 owners: please re-scan for receivers!
* (ALL) Mini-Guide was always doing a complete refresh under certain conditions even when it wasn’t necessary
* (ALL) Fixed Mini-Guide error when a favorite channel had an empty channel value (rare/unlikely)
* (ALL) Added Genie CLIENT (C31) support! (Thanks Nate!)
* (ALL) Mini-Guide was always doing a complete refresh under certain conditions even when it wasn’t necessary
* (ALL) Fixed Mini-Guide error when a favorite channel had an empty channel value (rare/unlikely)
* (ALL) Added option to attach app configuration file when emailing developer (SD card required)
* (ALL) Package size reduced
* (ALL) Other minor changes
* (ALL) Scan progress text was sometimes not centered in spinning progress meter
* (ALL) Mini-Guide failed to populate channels that were manually added with leading zeros in them (i.e. 02 or 002 as opposed to 2)
* (ALL) Addressed rare error with scan logging
* (ALL) Option to email scan log to dev if scan finds nothing
* (ALL) Touched up graphics on some of the button images
* (ALL) Fixed EXTREMELY SLOW & problematic DirecTV receiver scanning on atypical network configurations. Thanks Tim!
* (PRO) Long-pressing on a volume button now allows you to send multiple volume up/down commands at once. (Plugin required)
* (PRO) Options to keep Mini-Guide and Favs list open after tuning a channel.
* (PRO) Fixed problem where macro execution hung if it couldn’t communicate with the receiver.
* (ALL) Better handling of errors in the prefs file.
* (ALL) Preparations for an upcoming awesome new add-on! This will be an open beta-test for Pro *and* free users. Watch the market for the new add-on very soon!
* (ALL) Removed pointless ‘Startup Remote style’ option that probably nobody uses.
* (ALL) Attempt to fix occasional instance where app appears to restart when exiting. Difficult to reproduce = difficult to fix. :)* (ALL) Mini-Guide stability
* (PRO) Macro reliability
* (ALL) Other minor changes
* (ALL) Accidentally broke the notification service scheduling during a recent overhaul. Not a good week for updates. Sorry about that!
* (ALL) Error could occur when app started with no receivers set up yet (Thanks Steven!)
* (ALL) Mini-Guide stability on some newer devices (also added Abort button in menu)
* (PRO) Macros should now be much more reliable (Thanks Larry!)
* (ALL) Mini-Guide now tells you if the current show was recorded (playing back)
* (FREE) Fixed potential Mini-Guide problem under unlikely circumstances
* (ALL) Mini-Guide stability on some newer devices (also added Abort button just in case problems continue for those experiencing them)
* (PRO) Macros should now be much more reliable for people who previously had problems with them. For those who didn’t, you may be able to slightly lower the macro delays now without losing reliability. (Thanks Larry!)
* (ALL) Mini-Guide now tells you if the current show was recorded (playing back)
* (ALL) Several minor bugs fixed & other small changes
* (ALL) App name has changed to DirecTV Remote+ (plus)
* (ALL) Increase in overall app speed (screen loading)
* (ALL) Mini-Guide stability
* (ALL) Mini-Guide now displays what is on next in addition to the current show
* (PRO) Optionally change channel on multiple receivers at once through the Favorites or Mini-Guide (long-press on an entry)
* (PRO) Easily create & restore app settings/backups (Menu>More)
* (ALL) Various other improvements, changes and bugs fixed
* (ALL) App name has changed to DirecTV Remote+ (plus)
* (ALL) Increase in overall app speed (screen loading)
* (ALL) Mini-Guide stability & reliability
* (ALL) Mini-Guide now displays what is on next in addition to the current show
* (PRO) Optionally change channel on multiple receivers at once through the Favorites or Mini-Guide (long-press on an entry)
* (PRO) Easily create and restore app settings/backups (Menu>More)
* (ALL) Notification no longer suspends when viewing the Mini-Guide
* (ALL) App was “killing” itself after prompt for rating even if “kill on exit” option was not set in prefs
* (ALL) Various minor improvements & changes
* (ALL) Fixed problems that could arise if CACHED background process killed while On Now notifications are enabled and active
* (FREE) Option glitch in prefs screen
* (ALL) Fixed problems that could arise if Android or user kills the cached background process to free up memory while On Now notifications are enabled and active
* (FREE) A pro-only option was not dimmed out in the free version prefs screen (option still didn’t work in free version, but could be confusing)
* (ALL) Fixed: On Now Notification service constantly ran in the background
* (PRO) Long-press on Power allows you to explicitly send Power ON *or* OFF to the receiver
* (ALL) Option to allow user to completely force-stop the app when ‘backing out’
* (PRO) Option to control On Now service frequency when app is not active
* (ALL) Fixed rare issue where Mini-Guide could get stuck in limbo and unable to populate the guide data
* (ALL) Internal Help updated; Other minor changes
* (ALL) Mini-Guide now shows which receiver is selected (being controlled in the app)
* (ALL) Improved WiFi detection
* (ALL) Changes made to ‘Rate this app’ prompt & how it works
* (ALL) Prevents Force Close due to NPE on some devices when scanning or refreshing mini-guide and now offers a solution
* (PRO) Added option to keep the device awake when on a “main” screen in the app
* (ALL) Other minor changes & improvements
* (ALL) Fixed NPE error when backing out of mini-guide while it was populating (and removed extra permissions accidentally added in 2.2.0)
* (FREE) Notifications are now available in the free version!
* (FREE) Limited-functionality Mini-Guide now available in the free version (Current Receiver & 3 Favorites only)
* (ALL) Notifications now display current program info (with option to disable & adjust refresh rate)
* (PRO) Added custom keyboard to Search Assistant (sends search characters as you type them)
* (ALL) WiFi warning (when enabled) now only warns user if it fails to communicate with the selected receiver
* (ALL) Updated internal help
* (ALL) >> Bother putting this notes?>> Added ‘Email Developer’ button to Options/Help screen
* (ALL) Many other minor improvements & changes
* (PRO) Pro version now shows “Pro” in the app label
* (ALL) Fixed bug that could have caused a JSON error in prefs file on some builds when installing for the first time
* (PRO) Added option for On Now to go straight to Mini-Guide
* (ALL) Added option to disable WiFi check (only recommended if your device is not returning its status correctly)
* (ALL) Various small changes
* (ALL) Advanced scanning option for those where device fails to return its IP address (some custom ROMs) or those with advanced network configurations
* (ALL) Added all previously “undocumented” options to the app’s Options/Prefs screen
* (PRO) Notification now shows currently selected receiver
* (ALL) Stability; cleanup
* (PRO) New add-on app published. Allows you to create shortcuts to remote commands right on your home screen! No need to even open the app to send a command!
* (ALL) Work-around for Android bug causing failure to return app cache folder on certain builds (caused error when scanning)
* (ALL) Attempts to address some NPE errors seen in crash reports
* (PRO) Fixed error when submitting search term in Search Assistant
* (PRO) Added ‘red’ button to Search Assistant mini-remote
* (PRO) Mini-Guide favorites will now automatically refresh when favorites list has changed
* (ALL) Specific message when ‘On Now’ fails due to receiver misconfiguration
* (ALL) Improved Compact layout for certain tablets (Galaxy Tab, etc); Others tweaked a bit
* (ALL) Reverted manual IP input method due to IME keyboard bug in Android
* (ALL) First-run remote style now based on device type. As always, you can still pick the one you like best.
* (ALL) Other minor changes and bugs fixed
* (PRO) Removed unintentional warning messages when sending search terms in Search Assistant
* (ALL) Updated instructions for identifying receiver IP
* (ALL) WiFi detection loosened to help troubleshoot devices where WiFi is not being detected correctly
* (ALL) Duplicate issue when stopping a scan
* (ALL) Added landscape support; Layout improvements; Scan reliability; more device support; bugs fixed
* (PRO) SD/HD resolutions toggle (HD GUI); Optional orientation lock; undocumented features (see website); New Mini-Guide (On Now > Mini-Guide)
* (ALL) Added more info about ensuring receivers are setup correctly when beginning a network scan.
* (ALL) Reported ‘no WiFi connection’ on certain devices when WiFi was on and connected but Airplane Mode was enabled.
* (PRO) Preparations for upcoming changes to DirecTV receivers and DVRs that would have affected the Search Assistant.
* (FREE) Warn user if pro version is installed but the free version was launched (old shortcut).
* (PRO) New option to show a status bar notification icon (allows you to quickly access the app again from the notification drop-down). Enabled by default. ‘Menu’ > ‘Options / Help’ to change.
* (PRO) Macro List now closes after a macro is chosen. Previous behavior was intentional but seemed unnecessary.
* (ALL) Revised WiFi checking.
* (ALL) Various small changes.
* (PRO) ‘On Now’ feature now includes a “MORE” button to search IMDb, allmusic, Amazon or Google to get more info on the currently tuned show, movie or music.
* (ALL) Fixed layout on qHD displays (HTC EVO 3D, DROID Bionic, etc) and tweaked some other layouts.
* (ALL) Addressed some rare issues seen in Developer Console crash reports.
* (ALL) Minor cosmetic changes.
* (PRO) You can now rearrange and rename receivers, favorites and macros. Menu > More > Organize Lists.
* (FREE) Pro-only features under Menu > More are now visible in the free version. When selected they explain what they do in the pro version.
* (ALL) App (APK) size slightly reduced.
* (ALL) Fixed occasional issues with lists losing their transparency.
* (ALL) Much-improved filtering of junk/forbidden characters in text fields.
* (ALL) Several other tweaks & minor cosmetic changes.
* Fix problem introduced in 1.0.5.
* (PRO) ‘Search’ buttons at top of Search Assistant screen can now use custom macros (SEARCH and/or SEARCHDVR). For those CE’ers out there. 😉
* (PRO) Added more info to Search Assistant screen.
* (FREE) Pro-only buttons are now visible in the free version, but do not function.
* (ALL) Quickly switch receivers by pressing the info banner at the bottom.
* (ALL) ‘On Now’ now includes Artist, Track and CD Title information when tuned to a music channel.
* (PRO) Macro delays are now user-adjustable in order to obtain the best settings for your network environment. The new settings can be found in the Options/Help screen (Pro only).
* (PRO) Added option to launch the DirecTV DVR Scheduler app (found under Menu > More).
* (ALL) Haptic Feedback feature is now available in other areas of the app (such as Favorites and Macro lists). As always, this can be adjusted or turned off completely in the Options/Help screen.
* Decreased execution speed of macros to improve reliability when network or receiver is running slow. As mentioned in the description and FAQ, if you are having problems with macro reliability, please reboot your DirecTV receiver.
* Greatly reduced delay when ‘backing out’ of Macro, Favorites, and Search screens.
* Minor UI appearance improvements.
* Fixed bug when adding new favorite channel
* When beginning to record a new macro, there was a delay while waiting for the chosen remote to unnecessarily redraw itself.
* If a new macro was cancelled due to no buttons being entered, the status bar at the bottom still stated that a macro was recording.
* Fixed occasional issue related to asking user to rate app again.
v1.0.0 August 22nd, 2011
* Initial public release