Spyware Software: Keylogger / WebPI “false positives”

2012-07-07 20:15
It has been brought to my attention by a few customers that some Anti-Spyware programs mark one of the components used by Name Dropper as a keylogger or a part of a program called “WebPI”. This is incorrect!

The component in question is “GVBox.OCX”. This file is used by Name Dropper to display images. Furthermore, the ONLY thing this component can do is open, save, and display images! Apparently the WebPI program uses this component as well and somewhere along the line it got a reputation as being harmful. Ironically, a look at the website that sells WebPI has a FAQ section where he explains that his program can not be installed without a person’s knowledge and that his program is not a sneaky trojan. I would guess that 99.9% of the people who complain to the WebPI people don’t have his software installed at all.... they simply have a program installed that happens to use GVBox.OCX, such as Name Dropper!
I won’t get into the aggravation I have with these spyware software makers that flag files left & right as harmful without any knowledge of what they are or do! If your Anti-spyware software warns you about this file and you delete it, Name Dropper will no longer work. If this happens you must re-install Name Dropper. This erroneous spyware reporting has been fixed in the programs listed below. If you find another anti-spyware program that flags “GVBox.OCX” as spyware, please let me know by using the Contact form. I will try to get it straightened out. Or if you prefer, you can report it to them yourself and quote this page.
     * Spyware Doctor no longer reports this file as being a threat.
     * A-Squared no longer reports this file as being a threat in the first update after December 21st, 2007.
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