Can I use DDNS to access my receiver over the Internet?

2013-06-24 22:43

Note: This applies only to DirecTV Remote+ Pro v3.3.0 and up

If you have forwarded a port in your router in order to control your DirecTV receiver over the internet and you use a DDNS service, you can enter that domain name when manually adding the receiver to the app as opposed to entering your home network's WAN IP address.  Obviously the advantage here is that if your home network's WAN/Internet IP address changes, you will not need to change it in the app if you use DDNS instead.  For those unfamiliar, DDNS is a service that allows you to locate your home network over the internet by entering a domain name as opposed to an IP address.  While not exactly the same thing, it is similar to how you go to a website by entering its domain name into your browser (such as


In order to avoid confusion, there is a trick to enabling this advanced option and this can only be done when manually adding a receiver.  It will not work for automatic scans.

Press Menu > Setup/Scan to enter the setup screen.  Then press 'Manual Setup' to open the IP input dialog.  Delete any default text in the input field and enter .... (four dots/periods) for the IP address and then press 'Add'.  A message box will appear stating that Advanced/Alpha-numeric entry is enabled.  You can now enter text in addition to numbers.  Simply type in your domain name (without http:// or www.) and press 'Add' again to search for your receiver using DDNS.


Tags: DDNS
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