DirecTV Remote+: How do I reset the app's configuration to brand new? Answer: If for some reason you find yourself wanting to reset the configuration (completely wipe out everything and start over), you can do so providing your ...
Network and connection issues: Can I control a receiver over my phone or tablet's 3G / 4G / Wireless Answer: Yes, you can control one of your receivers using your wireless carrier's Internet connection. However, since a single port (8080) is used to control the DirecTV receivers, ...
DirecTV Remote+: How do I fully exit or close the app? Answer: Android recommends that developers allow the OS to decide whether to suspend an app in the background or completely destroy the task in order to ...
DirecTV Remote+ Shortcut Add-On: How do I use the Shortcut Add-on? Answer: Note: Prior to version 2.0 of the add-on, it could not be run as a "normal" app. This resulted in there being no "Open" option ...
DirecTV Remote+: The app crashes when I try to scan Answer: This is likely related to a known issue with some Android builds where the OS fails to return an app's internal "root" or "app data" ...
DirecTV Remote+: Confirming settings on the DirecTV receiver or DVR itself Answer: Following the steps below, you can confirm that your Android device and DirecTV receiver or DVR is properly configured for network access.
Please follow all of ...
DirecTV Remote+: How do I manually add a receiver? Answer: If scanning doesn't work for you, you can also manually add a receiver. To get started with that, open the app and press Menu > ...
DirecTV Remote+: What permissions does the DirecTV Remote app use? Answer: As of version 2.2.2, the DirecTV Remote (free and pro) apps use the following permissions:
android.permission.INTERNET - This allows the app to communicate with your receivers.
android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE ...
Network and connection issues: The app does not detect my WiFi connection. Answer: Some devices fail to return their WiFi connection status to the app. This seems to only affect a small number of devices and thus far ...
DirecTV Remote+: Known Issues (current version) Answer: Note: I will update this article as any issues come up or get resolved. If you are having an issue that is not listed here, ...
DirecTV Remote+: I am unable to see or use any menus in the app Answer: Many phones have a dedicated menu button (either built into the device or sometimes a "soft button" on the screen itself) but some do not, ...
DirecTV Remote+ Shortcut Add-On: Can I use custom icons for my shortcuts? Answer: Starting in v1.3.0 of the Shortcut Add-On, you can use custom images for the shortcuts created with the Shortcut Add-On by placing specially named images ...
DirecTV Remote+ Volume Plugin: What is the Volume Plugin? Answer: When installed, the exclusive Volume Plugin adds volume, mute and input buttons to the main DirecTV Remote+ app. PRO users can use these buttons directly ...
DirecTV Remote+ Volume Plugin: Why is volume control from an Android device so difficult? Answer: As far as controlling volume from an Android phone or tablet goes, there are technical hurdles to overcome. It basically comes down to two technologies: ...
DirecTV Remote+ Volume Plugin: How does the HTTP option work in the Volume Plugin? Answer: Just in case there is a TV or AVR that can be controlled through simple HTTP commands (now or in the future), I added this ...
DirecTV Remote+ Volume Plugin: How does the Advanced HTTP option work in the Volume Plugin? Answer: Most network-enabled devices allow control by posting data to them. This is where the Advanced HTTP option comes in! With this option you stand a ...
DirecTV Remote+ Volume Plugin: Why doesn't Power ON work for my TV or AVR (network control)? Answer: Unfortunately many televisions and A/V receivers turn off their network ports when the device is powered off (in standby). Because of this, they are not ...
DirecTV Remote+ Volume Plugin: What devices are currently supported in the Volume Plugin? Answer: The devices listed on this page can be controlled from the main DirecTV Remote+ Pro app using the Volume plugin ("free" users can test the ...
DirecTV Remote+ Volume Plugin: How do I use the Global Cache iTach with the Volume plugin? Answer: As I've mention many times throught the Volume plugin app, descriptions in the markets and here in the FAQs, most people won't be able to ...
DirecTV Remote+ Volume Plugin: How do I enter or select IR codes for use with a Samsung Galaxy or Answer: Some Samsung Galaxy devices have built-in IR emitters. Current known devices that have this feature are the GALAXY TAB 2/3, GALAXY NOTE 3, GALAXY NOTE 8.0/10.1 ...
DirecTV Remote+ Volume Plugin: How the $#@* do I set up the Volume plugin??? Answer: I'll admit the Volume plugin can be a bit confusing and complicated looking. It can use some refining but for now my main goal was ...
DirecTV Remote+ Volume Plugin: How do I use the IR Import/Export feature? Answer: In order to make it easier to enter IR codes into the plugin (rather than copying and pasting each command's IR codes or worse yet ...
Network and connection issues: Can I use DDNS to access my receiver over the Internet? Answer: Note: This applies only to DirecTV Remote+ Pro v3.3.0 and up
If you have forwarded a port in your router in order to control your DirecTV ...
DirecTV Remote+ Volume Plugin: How can I find the IP address of my TV or AVR? Answer: Note: This information applies to finding the IP address of your TV or AVR for setting up the Volume Plugin. For help finding the IP ...
DirecTV Remote+ Volume Plugin: How do I use Custom UPnP with the Volume plugin? Answer: NOTE: Starting in version 2.0 of the volume plugin, you can use the setup wizard to automatically detect if your device supports basic control using ...
DirecTV Remote+ Volume Plugin: How do I use the Setup Wizard in the Volume Plugin? Answer: Note: This info applies to version 2.0 and up of the Volume Plugin.
When you press the [New] button in the plugin, you will be prompted ...
DirecTV Remote+ Volume Plugin: How do I use built-in IR on my LG or Sony device? Answer: LG and Sony have taken a slightly different approach with how 3rd party apps can control the IR in their devices. Rather than giving developers ...
General (all Android apps): Advanced support options Answer: In addition to email and the FAQs you are reading now, I can also provide support via a chat room and if you have a ...